Writing Service Blog

IvyPanda’s ChatGPT Humanizer: A Review

With so many students using chatbots nowadays, the demand for tools to remove AI traces has also increased. In this article, we review the IvyPanda AI humanizer – a handy tool that improves the quality of AI-generated content and makes it look more like human writing. We’ve tested the instrument and found it to be very useful for students, researchers, journalists, and content creators. Read this review to learn how to use the tool in your writing routines.

Classification Essay: Writing Papers to Meet Expected Standards

Classification essay is an essay written by organizing and sorting out different things into categories. Those things with common traits are grouped together based on a common principle of classification. Generally, classification essays are not very easy to write. It is like separating chaff from grains! This doesn’t seem to be such an easy task. Well, here is how to go about writing an essay on classification.

Citing Sources APA: Thirteen Golden Rules for Flawless Writing

Hello! Was it you asking “What is APA style format?” You’ve come to the right place! Here, you can: learn the answer to questions such as “what is APA format” and “what is APA citation”; see plenty of great examples; learn professional tips; acquire and perfect new skills! Are you ready? Let the good times roll! Thirteen Significant Elements to Remember Now it’s time to get your Lucky Thirteen – check these tips of correct APA format style: Reference every…

Case Study Definition: Straight into the Core of the Phenomenon!

If you have a problem to solve, and it has nothing to do with your life, but it must be solved here and now… welcome to the world of Case Studies! Now let’s see what this weird alien thing is, and how to deal with it. First of all, you’ll need the definition – the best of all existing case study definitions! A case study is the presentation and consequent analysis of a person, group or event. With the above…

Study Techniques: Learning to Learn Quickly and Effectively

Are you urgently looking for an easy way to improve your study skills? Or, desperately searching for a panacea which will help you prepare for an exam within one overnight study session? Sorry for disappointing you, but there is no universal cure and learning to learn effectively takes some time. However, with this quick guide to action, you will master the best study techniques for effective reading, note taking and memorizing.

How to Avoid Plagiarism: Safeguards against Possible Risks

Professors frequently warn students about the dangers of plagiarism. It is rather difficult to imagine a person who doesn’t know about the academic penalties imposed for appropriating someone else’s ideas without mentioning the author. Yet, some students don’t know how to avoid plagiarism, and as a result, their grades suffer. This article will explain how these people can overcome various pitfalls when writing their papers.

Economic Topics: Ideas and Questions That You Can Discuss

Students studying economics can write papers on many subjects, including monetary policies of the state, taxation, free trade, inflation, or consumption of goods. This article will provide examples of interesting economic topics and you can surely choose one of them.

Crash Movie Analysis: All You Need to Know in a Nutshell

Students who are assigned a Crash movie analysis frequently have more questions than answers. If you have conflicting feelings after watching this 2004 American drama film, you are not alone. However, you shouldn’t worry, because here you will find everything you need to know to make your Crash film review just perfect.

Personal Essay: Writing about One’s Experiences and Thoughts

A good personal essay has to reflect the individual experiences of the writer. It also has to illustrate his or her views on a specific problem or question. You can write such a paper in high school or in college, and the ability to write such papers can always come in handy. There are several strategies that will help you cope with this assignment.

Writing Prompts: These Are Just Ideas to Get Creativity Going

What is meant by a writing prompt? This is merely a nudge to help you get started writing. Your professor may assign one, or you can use the following twenty writing prompts to help loosen the fetters of your imagination.

How to Brainstorm: Generate the Best Ideas, Alone or in a Group!

Brainstorming is a method of generating ideas and solutions; it can be of great use to students working on group projects or individual tasks. People who know how to brainstorm possess a terrific tool for developing solutions faster and more efficiently If you have not used brainstorming techniques, check out these tips for your long term success.

Good Persuasive Topics: On a Quest for Great Ideas and Hints

Virtually every student has written a persuasive essay at least once. In this kind of paper, the author has to put forward a solid argument about a specific problem or question. The main issue is that some topics are too well-known, and it is difficult to say something new about them. If you are searching for good persuasive essay topics, you might want to read this article.

Beauty Essays: Are you Looking for an Interesting Topic?

Beauty is discussed much and actively, and there are numerous dimensions for discussing this issue. Do you want to do something bigger than discussing “what beauty is” in your beauty essay? Then, we will try to provide you with original beauty essay ideas that you may be really interested in.

Essays about Spring: Dreams, Memories, Feelings, and Other Crazy Ideas

Although every season has its own beauties, spring seems to be a favorite season for anybody, and not just because such long and cold winter is over. Spring is always associated with something new: new hopes, aspirations, wishes, opportunities, and so on. Yes, we know that it is autumn outside, but probably it is for better, it will be more pleasant to write an essay on spring and recall all those exciting feelings. If you cannot concentrate and decide on…

How to Write a Debate Essay: Simple Principles to Follow

Debating means almost the same as arguing. You have a standpoint on a certain issue and want everybody else to accept it. To have a better understanding of what debates are all about, we advise you to watch some videos of political debates. These are the best examples of how one should argue for a certain point. However, oral debates between people are certainly different from debating on paper and writing a good debate essay. If this is your next…

Examples of Critique Essays: How to Benefit from Using Them

A critique essay, which is also known as a critical essay, is a piece of writing where you are supposed to criticize and evaluate some work. It might be a literary work, a work of art, a film, or even an essay of one of your peers. If you have never prepared a critique essay before, probably you need hints on how to do this correctly. Sure, we can explain everything, but we advise you to find several examples of…

Critical Evaluation Essays: Free Hints and Examples

Can you not get how to write a critical evaluation essay? Well, actually it is pretty simple. All you have to do is pretend to be a critic of either a book, music, film, or anything else. Let us remind you that being critical does not mean being negative. This rather presupposes being objective and knowledgeable. The plan you will have to use to prepare your critical evaluation essay is simple. If you want, you may check what particular steps…

Top 10 Ways to Stop Global Warming: Do Not Stay Indifferent!

Global warming has become a major concern of humanity since the middle of the 20th century. It was namely then that the first increase in the Earth’s temperature was registered. The temperature became less than one degree higher, but just think of what it means on a global scale. Melting ice is going to make sea levels rise, thus changing precipitation patterns. This will entail changes in weather events that will cause the extinction of some plants and animals species…

Career Objectives Essays: Telling about your Professional Plans

The necessity to write about career objectives usually comes when students deal with college essays. Basically, the admission committee wants to know about your career objectives to make sure you apply to the right program. So, if you have no doubts about your career choice, you need to write an excellent career objectives essay and prove that. Are you stuck with this task? Then let us help you and talk about several important aspects of career objectives essays.

Essays on Citizenship: Benefits and Responsibilities

American citizenship is something that millions of people around the world dream about, while millions of those who were born in the United States automatically fulfilled this dream. Most probably, you are also a happy American citizen who enjoys all the rights that this privileged status gives. Yet, what exactly do you know about your rights? Another question is – what do you know about your responsibilities as a citizen? Answering these questions seems to be a good starting point…