I should say that writing essays in Hindi language can be a challenge for any student. Even if you have always been good at writing essays, and you know everything about college essay formats, it may not work so well with your essay in Hindi. The main skill that you have to possess is a sufficient amount of knowledge of Hindi.
Some students study Hindi for quite a long time, but even these students can face numerous problems with writing essays in Hindi Language. So, the first thing you have to do, before you start writing your own essay in Hindi, is to revise all the materials you have.
Check all grammar, spelling and other basic rules. These are going to be the primary points, which will be assessed in essays in Hindi language. The second significant aspect of the essay in Hindi is a topic, of course. Since we are not able to write all the rules of the Hindi language in one article, we are going to provide you with some topics for your essay in Hindi.
Actually, the essay topics can be divided into two parts:
- General topics for essays in Hindi language: such topics can be devoted to some general issues, and you will just need to develop them in Hindi.
- Truth and its significance;
- Natural disasters – how we can protect ourselves;
- Social security – who is responsible;
- Media and its influence.
- Specific topics for your essay in Hindi can be devoted to India-related issues.
- Classical music in India and the impact of the British colonialism;
- Gandhi – the main principles that led to success;
- Indian culinary traditions;
- Kashmir – the reasons for the conflict;
- Punjab – the peculiarities of the culture.
So, if your knowledge of the language is on high level, you can choose more challenging topics for your essay in Hindi.
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