Concluding Sentence Generator
We perfectly understand how difficult it can be to write the concluding words for an essay. You might feel like you have said everything that could be said, and you want to be done already. Our experts want to help you accomplish your task. Using our concluding sentence generator will save you a ton of time and effort. Merely insert your text into the given window and press the button!
If you want to practice writing conclusions yourself, then it is essential that you read our article. Here, we have outlined the most vital elements of working with final paragraphs. We have explained what they should contain and what to avoid.
✔️ A Concluding Paragraph: 5 Rules to Follow
For every original work, you need to come up with a unique ending. Yet, there are several general rules that you should apply when writing them. Our concluding paragraph generator will help you start the process, but you still need to learn how to craft your paper’s last segment.

To ensure your essay conclusion is well-presented, follow these rules:
- First of all, you should connect your conclusion to your introduction. Restate your thesis from the beginning in just a sentence. It should come out concise and easy to understand, even if the reader didn’t dive into the body paragraphs.
- Do not repeat the findings word to word but provide a synthesis of arguments. Show how your ideas offer the answer to the research problem you have raised in the introduction. You can have a reasonable amount of repetitions. Don’t be afraid to use keywords everywhere they fit as they serve as “topic threads” throughout your paper.
- Most importantly, explain the significance of your findings. The last paragraph is the perfect place to address why your arguments and results are crucial. Keep in mind that a conclusion only takes 5% of the paper’s length. Thus, emphasize the main points and ideas shortly, without exploring the details.
- To show the quality of your work, indicate future opportunities. In your conclusion, highlight why you think further research is needed. It will also serve as evidence that you understand the issue entirely. Your readers will appreciate this bridge between the current and subsequent studies. For instance, you can do it by showing “the gap” in your research. Or you can situate it in a different context or culture.
- Last but not least, use clear and straightforward language. The last sentence can create an impactful impression on your reader. So, make sure to use expressive language when creating it.
❗ Things to Avoid in a Concluding Statement
A lot has been written about what goes into the essay. Sometimes it is better to know what to avoid, thus eliminating conflicting tips. In this section, we have enumerated students’ most common mistakes when writing their conclusions.
To successfully write a conclusion paragraph, AVOID…
- Sounding like a cliché. Starting your conclusion with phrases like “in conclusion” and “in summary” is not the best idea. They do sound a bit too cliche. Aim to find a transition so that the final paragraph starts naturally. Try to bring your paper to another level by making your conclusion stand out.
- Including any new information. Avoid bringing new ideas, quotes, and arguments in your concluding paragraph. Additionally, make sure to write it in your own words. You can’t repeat the phrasing of anything previously said.
- Repeating yourself over and over. Simply repeating previous parts of your paper will make the conclusion look dull. The better strategy is rewriting the arguments. Tell how all your points are interconnected and relate to the thesis.
- Being too vague. Do not end your conclusion with statements that are too ambiguous. Take this paragraph as an opportunity to strengthen your paper. Thus, don’t waste your time on generic phrases that add nothing of value.
- Writing at the last minute. Do not leave the summary to the last second. Even if you are unsure how to approach it, write your thoughts down anyway. It is easier to work with the draft rather than with nothing. You can also create bullet points about what you want to discuss on a separate paper.
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🔗 References
- Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: the Conclusion – Research Guides at University of Southern California
- Six Things to AVOID in Your Conclusion – David J. Klooster Center for Excellence in Writing, Hope College
- Academic Writing: “In Conclusion”...How Not to End Your Paper – SFU Library, Simon Fraser University